LAFA and its activities are supported through donations from the public and grants. Your donation to a specific program priority or generally will assist in meeting program priorities.
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The Los Angeles Foundation on Aging (LAFA) was established in 2006 as an independent not-for-profit organization to support new and innovative programs and sustain and enhance the quality of life for older adults and family caregivers in Los Angeles.
Project CARE (Caring ActionsResponding to Elders)
Established to help homebound and low income older adults receive gifts for the holiday season. This year, they provided 2,500 gifts throughout the Los Angeles region to 1,200 older adults.
Holiday Meal Program (Thanksgiving Day Meal)
Provided meals to older adults throughout the Los Angeles on Thanksgiving Day
Meals on Wheel Los Angeles
Continued fundraising via payroll deductions from the Combined City Campaign and participation in the Combined Federal Campaign
LEAP Program
Established to help homebound and low income older adults receive a an one time assistance in an emergency situation.
Change Reaction
Established to help homebound and low income older adults receive a an one time assistance in an emergency situation.
The Impact of Aging
As the population of older adults increases in the coming years, senior programs, services and Service Providers need to be prepared to handle greater demands and maximize resources.
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