Get Ready LA
Members will receive training and resources in an accessible and professional format, so members and their staff have everything they need to build and strengthen their capacity to effect change within their organizations.
Meals on Wheels Los Angeles
Los Angeles casemanangers currently provide one hot meal to homebound seniors who participate in the Meals on Wheels Program Monday through Friday. LAFA is committed to raising funds to expand the Los Angeles Meals on Wheels to provide weekend and holiday meals and emergency food baskets for these frail, homebound seniors.
You can help, your donation of:
$50 will provide 2 meals to seniors.
$100 will provide 4 meals to seniors.
$100 will provide 16 meals to seniors.
The Impact of an Aging Society in Los Angeles
As the population of older adults increases in the coming years, senior programs, services and Los Angeles need to be prepared to handle greater demand and prepare for this demand.
The first activity of this program will be to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment of aging seniors in Los Angeles, which will include accurate demographic information, qualitative and quantitative research. The goal for LAFA is to be a clearinghouse of information on aging in Los Angeles.
Project CARE
Project CARE (Caring Actions Responding to Elders) provides needed and quality of life items to low-income seniors throughout Los Angeles. The items include food, clothing, personal hygiene implements, books, craft materials and many others.
The goal for Project CARE is to reach a total of 2500 seniors throughout Los Angeles.
You can help, your donation of:
$50 will help reach 2 gift bags for 2 seniors.
$100 will help reach 4 gift bags for 4 seniors.
$200 will help reach 8 gift bags for 8 seniors.
Elderly Tenant Hoarding Program
Based on a sampling of seniors in Los Angeles, many older adults will be living in a hoarding-like situation. Hoarding is the excessive collection of items that seem to have limited or no value, such as newspapers or trash, along with the inability to discard them. Hoarding creates such cramped living conditions that entire rooms may be filled to capacity, and homes may be left with only narrow pathways winding through stacks of clutter. Some people also collect animals, keeping hundreds of dogs, cats or other animals in their homes, as filth and waste pile up and the animals become sick.
As part of the Elderly Tenant Hoarding Program, LAFA will raise funds to establish and support a team of professionals who will assist seniors who hoard with the “clean-up” and on-going mental health care and support.
Financial Literacy Program
Financial literacy is quickly becoming an important aspect of aging. With the introduction of financial tools to support aging (i.e. reverse mortgages, long-term care insurance and other investments) many seniors make uninformed decisions and in the worst cases lose their assets. To address this emerging need, LAFA will develop a volunteer-based educational and support program for seniors on topics of financial literacy and money management. Topics will include:
1. Information about accessing resources to age in the community.
2. Long-term care planning (care coordination, caregiving, funeral arrangements, etc.).
Meals on Wheels
The City and County of Los Angeles currently provides one hot meal to home bound seniors.
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